연극 해주고 돈 받는 회사
- 관객 수, 연극 장르에 따라 요금이 다르다.
- 현재 연극 종류는 비극과 희극 두 종류
- 나중에 할인 해 주는 크레딧 제공
"hamlet": {"name": "Hamlet", "type": "tragedy"},
"as-like": {"name": "As You Like It", "type": "comedy"},
"othello": {"name": "Othello", "type": "tragedy"}
The data for their bills also comes in a JSON file:
"customer": "BigCo",
"performances": [
"playID": "hamlet",
"audience": 55
"playID": "as-like",
"audience": 35
"playID": "othello",
"audience": 40
The code that prints the bill is this simple function:
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
const play = plays[perf.playID];
let thisAmount = 0;
switch (play.type) {
case "tragedy":
thisAmount = 40000;
if (perf.audience > 30) {
thisAmount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
thisAmount = 30000;
if (perf.audience > 20) {
thisAmount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
thisAmount += 300 * perf.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${play.type}`);
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === play.type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${play.name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
Running that code on the test data files above results in the following output:
Statement for BigCo
Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)
As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)
Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)
Amount owed is $1,730.00
You earned 47 credits
- 위 코드는 조금만 생각하면 쉽게 이해가능한 코드다. 코드가 짧아서 딱히 깊은 구조가 필요가 없다. 하지만 프로그램이 커질수록 위와 같은 하나의 함수로 쓰여진 코드뭉치는 이해하기 힘들어질 것이다.
- 프로그램은 계속 변경된다. 요구사항이 변경되고 새로운 기능이 추가되면서 처음의 디자인은 점점 희미해진다. 구조 또한 계속 유지보수 필요
- When you have to add a feature to a program but the code is not structured in a convenient way, first refactor the program to make it easy to add the feature, then add the feature.
The First Step in Refactoring
- 리팩토링을 위해서는 테스트가 필수적이다.
- 테스트는 반드시 self-checking이 가능해야 한다. (테스팅 프레임워크가 제공함)
Decomposing the statement
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
const play = plays[perf.playID];
let thisAmount = 0;
//-----------------------extract function------------------------------------
switch (play.type) {
case "tragedy":
thisAmount = 40000;
if (perf.audience > 30) {
thisAmount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
thisAmount = 30000;
if (perf.audience > 20) {
thisAmount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
thisAmount += 300 * perf.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${play.type}`);
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === play.type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${play.name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- 위 코드 덩어리를 이해하는데는 약간 시간이 걸린다.
- 빠르고 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 코드를 만들기 위해서는 적절한 단위로 함수를 나누고 이름을 잘 지어줘야 한다.
- 코드 덩어리를 자신의 함수로 바꿔보자.
이런식으로 - 이렇게 함수로 빼서 쉽게 참조되도록 하는 리팩토링 기법을 Extract Function
function statement…
function amountFor(perf, play) {
let thisAmount = 0;
switch (play.type) {
case "tragedy":
thisAmount = 40000;
if (perf.audience > 30) {
thisAmount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
thisAmount = 30000;
if (perf.audience > 20) {
thisAmount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
thisAmount += 300 * perf.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${play.type}`);
return thisAmount;
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
const play = plays[perf.playID];
let thisAmount = amountFor(perf, play);
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === play.type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${play.name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- 이렇게 변경을 하면, 즉시 컴파일 후 테스트를 수행하여 문제가 없는지 확인한다.
- Refactoring changes the programs in small steps, so if you make a mistake, it is easy to find where the bug is.
function statement…
function amountFor(aPerformance, play) {
let result = 0;
switch (play.type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (aPerformance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (aPerformance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * aPerformance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${play.type}`);
return result;
- 변수의 의미를 명확하게 하기 위해서
로 변경 - 타입이 파라미터명에 포함하도록
로 변경 - Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
Removing the play
- Loop내에서
함수 파라미터로performance
로 계산되는play
는 전달할 필요 없다. play
와 같은 임시 변수는 메소드 추출을 힘들게 하기 때문에 Replace Temp with Query로 리팩토링 ㄱㄱ
function statement…
function playFor(aPerformance) {
return plays[aPerformance.playID];
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
//---- repace temp with query ----
const play = playFor(perf);
let thisAmount = amountFor(perf, play);
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === play.type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${play.name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- 다시 Inline Variable로 리팩토링
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
//---------- Inline Variable ------------------
let thisAmount = amountFor(perf, playFor(perf));
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === playFor(perf).type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
에 Change Function Declaration 적용 (play
파라미터를 제거)
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
let thisAmount = amountFor(perf, playFor(perf));
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === playFor(perf).type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${format(thisAmount/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += thisAmount;
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
function statement…
function amountFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
switch (playFor(aPerformance).type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (aPerformance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (aPerformance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * aPerformance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${playFor(aPerformance).type}`);
return result;
- 로컬 변수를 제거하면 추출하기 훨씬 쉬워진다!
로컬 변수 제거 위해 Inline Variable사용하자
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
// add volume credits
volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
// add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
if ("comedy" === playFor(perf).type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${format(amountFor(perf)/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
Extracting Volume Credits
- 앞에서
로컬 변수를 제거해서 volume credit 계산 하는 부분을 추출하기 쉬워졌다.
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
volumeCredits += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${format(amountFor(perf)/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
function volumeCreditsFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
result += Math.max(aPerformance.audience - 30, 0);
if ("comedy" === playFor(aPerformance).type) result += Math.floor(aPerformance.audience / 5);
return result;
Removing the format
- 계속해서 임시 변수를 제거하자. 이번에
function statement…
function format(aNumber) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format(aNumber);
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
volumeCredits += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${format(amountFor(perf)/100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount/100)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- format 이란 이름으로는 의미를 충분히 전달 못한다.
- "formatAsUSD" 은 이렇게 좁은 범위에서 너무 길다. 화폐 단위를 강조하여 "usd" 로 바꾸자
Removing Total Volume Credits
- 다음 타겟은
이다. 이놈은 루프안에 있으므로 Split Loop를 통해 분리시킨다.
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let volumeCredits = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
volumeCredits += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- 그 다음 Slide Statement를 통해 변수 선언 위치를 옮긴다.
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
let volumeCredits = 0;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
volumeCredits += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- volume credit 총합 구하는 부분을 Extract Function
function statement…
function totalVolumeCredits() {
let volumeCredits = 0;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
volumeCredits += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
return volumeCredits;
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
let volumeCredits = totalVolumeCredits();
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
- 다시 Inline Variable 적용
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let totalAmount = 0;
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
// print line for this order
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
totalAmount += amountFor(perf);
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${totalVolumeCredits()} credits\n`;
return result;
이런식으로 계산한 값을 변수에 저장하여 사용하지 않고 사용될 때마다 함수가 호출된 계산하는 방법이 성능에 영향을 미칠것이라 생각 할 수 있다.
일반적인 경우 성능에 대한 영향은 미미하다. 더 중요한 것은 클린하고 명확한 코드이다.
여기서 4단계로 리팩토링을 진행했다.
- Split Loop to isolate the accumulation
- Slide Statements to bring the initializing code next to the accumulation
- Extract Function to create a function for calculating the total
- Inline Variable to remove the variable completely
사실 마틴형도 항상 저렇게 야금야금 리팩토링 하는건 아니다. 하지만 테스트 실패 시 저렇게 하나씩 해보면 문제 찾기 쉬움
Status: Lots of Nested Functions
function statement (invoice, plays) {
let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount())}\n`;
result += `You earned ${totalVolumeCredits()} credits\n`;
return result;
function totalAmount() {
let result = 0;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
result += amountFor(perf);
return result;
function totalVolumeCredits() {
let result = 0;
for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
result += volumeCreditsFor(perf);
return result;
function usd(aNumber) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format(aNumber/100);
function volumeCreditsFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
result += Math.max(aPerformance.audience - 30, 0);
if ("comedy" === playFor(aPerformance).type) result += Math.floor(aPerformance.audience / 5);
return result;
function playFor(aPerformance) {
return plays[aPerformance.playID];
function amountFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
switch (playFor(aPerformance).type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (aPerformance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (aPerformance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * aPerformance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${playFor(aPerformance).type}`);
return result;
- 코드 구조가 좋아졌다.
- top-level
function은 statement를 출력하는 7줄 밖에 없다. - 전체적인 흐름 뿐만 아니라 각각의 계산이 무엇을 의미하는지 이해하기 쉽다.
Splitting the Phases of Calculation and Formatting
- statement를 text뿐만 아니라 HTML로 출력해야할 필요가 생겼다.
- 기존에 구현한 text 내용을 바탕으로 복붙하여 HTML을 구현하면 중복 생긴다.
- Extract Function을 적용하여 Split Phase를 해보자.
top level…
function statement (invoice, plays) {
const statementData = {};
statementData.customer = invoice.customer;
statementData.performances = invoice.performances;
return renderPlainText(statementData, plays);
function renderPlainText(data, plays) {
let result = `Statement for ${data.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of data.performances) {
result += ` ${playFor(perf).name}: ${usd(amountFor(perf))} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(totalAmount())}\n`;
result += `You earned ${totalVolumeCredits()} credits\n`;
return result;
Status: Separated into Two Files (and Phases)
import createStatementData from './createStatementData.js';
function statement (invoice, plays) {
return renderPlainText(createStatementData(invoice, plays));
function renderPlainText(data) {
let result = `Statement for ${data.customer}\n`;
for (let perf of data.performances) {
result += ` ${perf.play.name}: ${usd(perf.amount)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
result += `Amount owed is ${usd(data.totalAmount)}\n`;
result += `You earned ${data.totalVolumeCredits} credits\n`;
return result;
function htmlStatement (invoice, plays) {
return renderHtml(createStatementData(invoice, plays));
function renderHtml (data) {
let result = `<h1>Statement for ${data.customer}</h1>\n`;
result += "<table>\n";
result += "<tr><th>play</th><th>seats</th><th>cost</th></tr>";
for (let perf of data.performances) {
result += ` <tr><td>${perf.play.name}</td><td>${perf.audience}</td>`;
result += `<td>${usd(perf.amount)}</td></tr>\n`;
result += "</table>\n";
result += `<p>Amount owed is <em>${usd(data.totalAmount)}</em></p>\n`;
result += `<p>You earned <em>${data.totalVolumeCredits}</em> credits</p>\n`;
return result;
function usd(aNumber) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
{ style: "currency", currency: "USD",
minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).format(aNumber/100);
export default function createStatementData(invoice, plays) {
const result = {};
result.customer = invoice.customer;
result.performances = invoice.performances.map(enrichPerformance);
result.totalAmount = totalAmount(result);
result.totalVolumeCredits = totalVolumeCredits(result);
return result;
function enrichPerformance(aPerformance) {
const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
result.play = playFor(result);
result.amount = amountFor(result);
result.volumeCredits = volumeCreditsFor(result);
return result;
function playFor(aPerformance) {
return plays[aPerformance.playID]
function amountFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
switch (aPerformance.play.type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (aPerformance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (aPerformance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * aPerformance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${aPerformance.play.type}`);
return result;
function volumeCreditsFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
result += Math.max(aPerformance.audience - 30, 0);
if ("comedy" === aPerformance.play.type) result += Math.floor(aPerformance.audience / 5);
return result;
function totalAmount(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.amount, 0);
function totalVolumeCredits(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.volumeCredits, 0);
- 모듈화되어 코드 부분을 이해하기 쉬워졌다.
- 계산 코드의 중복 없이 HTML 지원이 가능해졌다.
- Brevity is the soul of wit, but clarity is the soul of evolvable software.
- When programming, follow the camping rule: Always leave the code base healthier than when you found it.
Reorganizing the Calculations by Type
- 연극의 종류가 더 생길 수 있다. 각 연극 종류는 자신만의 요금과 크레딧 계산이 존재한다.
- 상속을 통해 계산로직을 가지는 희극과 비극 subclass를 만들자
- 핵심은 Conditional Code를 다형성으로 변환하는 Replace Conditional with Polymorphism 적용
export default function createStatementData(invoice, plays) {
const result = {};
result.customer = invoice.customer;
result.performances = invoice.performances.map(enrichPerformance);
result.totalAmount = totalAmount(result);
result.totalVolumeCredits = totalVolumeCredits(result);
return result;
function enrichPerformance(aPerformance) {
const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
result.play = playFor(result);
result.amount = amountFor(result);
result.volumeCredits = volumeCreditsFor(result);
return result;
function playFor(aPerformance) {
return plays[aPerformance.playID]
function amountFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
switch (aPerformance.play.type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (aPerformance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (aPerformance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (aPerformance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * aPerformance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${aPerformance.play.type}`);
return result;
function volumeCreditsFor(aPerformance) {
let result = 0;
result += Math.max(aPerformance.audience - 30, 0);
if ("comedy" === aPerformance.play.type) result += Math.floor(aPerformance.audience / 5);
return result;
function totalAmount(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.amount, 0);
function totalVolumeCredits(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.volumeCredits, 0);
- performance에 관해서 intermediate data를 채우는
가 핵심이다. - performance 계산을 하는 Performance Calculator를 만든다.
function createStatementData…
function enrichPerformance(aPerformance) {
const calculator = new PerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, playFor(aPerformance));
const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
result.play = calculator.play;
result.amount = amountFor(result);
result.volumeCredits = volumeCreditsFor(result);
return result;
class PerformanceCalculator…
class PerformanceCalculator {
constructor(aPerformance, aPlay) {
this.performance = aPerformance;
this.play = aPlay;
- 계산 로직을 calculator로 옮긴다. Move Function 리팩토링
class PerformanceCalculator…
get amount() {
let result = 0;
switch (this.play.type) {
case "tragedy":
result = 40000;
if (this.performance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (this.performance.audience - 30);
case "comedy":
result = 30000;
if (this.performance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (this.performance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * this.performance.audience;
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${this.play.type}`);
return result;
Making the Performance Calculator Polymorphic
적절한 Calculator의 subclass를 얻기 위해서 생성자 대신에 subclass를 리턴하는 함수를 만든다.
Replace Constructor with Factory Function 적용
function createStatementData…
function enrichPerformance(aPerformance) {
const calculator = createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, playFor(aPerformance));
const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
result.play = calculator.play;
result.amount = calculator.amount;
result.volumeCredits = calculator.volumeCredits;
return result;
top level…
function createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay) {
switch(aPlay.type) {
case "tragedy": return new TragedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
case "comedy" : return new ComedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${aPlay.type}`);
class TragedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
class ComedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
Status: Creating the Data with the Polymorphic Calculator
export default function createStatementData(invoice, plays) {
const result = {};
result.customer = invoice.customer;
result.performances = invoice.performances.map(enrichPerformance);
result.totalAmount = totalAmount(result);
result.totalVolumeCredits = totalVolumeCredits(result);
return result;
function enrichPerformance(aPerformance) {
const calculator = createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, playFor(aPerformance));
const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
result.play = calculator.play;
result.amount = calculator.amount;
result.volumeCredits = calculator.volumeCredits;
return result;
function playFor(aPerformance) {
return plays[aPerformance.playID]
function totalAmount(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.amount, 0);
function totalVolumeCredits(data) {
return data.performances
.reduce((total, p) => total + p.volumeCredits, 0);
function createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay) {
switch(aPlay.type) {
case "tragedy": return new TragedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
case "comedy" : return new ComedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
throw new Error(`unknown type: ${aPlay.type}`);
class PerformanceCalculator {
constructor(aPerformance, aPlay) {
this.performance = aPerformance;
this.play = aPlay;
get amount() {
throw new Error('subclass responsibility');
get volumeCredits() {
return Math.max(this.performance.audience - 30, 0);
class TragedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
get amount() {
let result = 40000;
if (this.performance.audience > 30) {
result += 1000 * (this.performance.audience - 30);
return result;
class ComedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
get amount() {
let result = 30000;
if (this.performance.audience > 20) {
result += 10000 + 500 * (this.performance.audience - 20);
result += 300 * this.performance.audience;
return result;
get volumeCredits() {
return super.volumeCredits + Math.floor(this.performance.audience / 5);
- 새로운 종류의 연극이 추가되도 subclass를 추가하여 유연하게 확장 가능
Final Thoughts
- 명확한 코드는 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 하고, 이는 더 깊은 통찰력 가지게 하므로 긍정적인 피드백의 선순환을 만든다.
- The true test of good code is how easy it is to change it.
- 효율적인 리팩토링의 핵심은 작은 단계로 수행할 때 더 빠르게 진행되고 코드가 망가지지 않으며, 그 단계들이 실질적인 변경이 될 수 있다는 것이다.
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